Second Generation JDM PIC programmer by KEE Electronics

This is the second generation JDM PIC programmer by KEE Electronics, specifically designed for PIC beginers as well as casual PIC users. It uses serial port both as communication and power source, thus no external power supply is needed. Of course, you need to have a genuine COM port (please no USB to serial converters !) in order to use this JDM. The programmer supports almost all of PICs from 8 pins to 40 pins. It also supports some EEPROMs.

         Supports these newly released PICs: PIC16F871、16F872、16F873、16F874、16F876、16F877、16F873A、16F874A、16F876A、16F877A、16F72、16F73、16F74、16F630、16F84

         Supports WIN9X/NT/WIN2000/XP

         Compatible with PonyProg2000

         Compatible with IC-PROG

         The onboard 18pin ZIF socket supports 8-18pin PICs while the 40pin ZIF socket supports PICs from 18 pins to 40 pins.


The following photo illustrates where you need to insert your PIC depending on the pin count of your specific MCU.

         This JDM runs really fast.

         More PICs will be supported with each release of software upgrades.

Specification sheet

PIC16CX24C01 PIC12C508 PIC16C620A BR9010
24C01A PIC12C508A PIC16C621 BR9020
24C02 PIC12C509 PIC16C621A BR9040
24C04 PIC12C509A PIC16C622 BR9021
24C08 PIC12CE518 PIC16C622A BR9080
24C16 PIC12CE519 PIC16CE623 BR9016
24C32 PIC12C671 PIC16CE624 ER1400
24C64 PIC12C672 PIC16CE625 M6M80021
AT24C128 PIC12CE673 PIC16F627 M6M80011
M24C128 PIC12CE674 PIC16F628 M6M80041
AT24C256 PIC12F629 PIC16F630 CXK1011
M24C256 PIC12F675 PIC16F676 CXK1012
AT24C512 PIC16C433 PIC16C710 CXK1013
M24C512 PIC16C61 PIC16C711 PDGO11
24C515 PIC16C71 PIC16C712 TC89101
SDA2506 PIC16C84 PIC16C715 TC89102
SDA2516 PIC16F83 PIC16C716 SX18
SDA2526 PIC16F84 PIC16C717 SX18_A
SDA2546 PIC16F84A PIC16F818 PIC16F74
SDA2586 PIC16C505 PIC16F819 PIC16F76
SDA3506 PIC16C620 PIC18F1320 PIC16F77
SDA3516 PIC16C62A PIC16F873 PIC16F745
SDA3526 PIC16C62B PIC16F873A PIC16F72
PIC16C74A PIC16C63 PIC16F874 PIC16F870
PIC16C74B PIC16C63A PIC16F874A PIC16F871
PIC16C76 PIC16C64A PIC16F876 PIC16F872
PIC16C77 PIC16C65A PIC16F876A PIC16C72
PIC16C765 PIC16C65B PIC16F877 PIC16C72A
PIC16C773 PIC16C66 PIC16F877A PIC16C73A
PIC16C774 PIC16C67 PIC16F73 PIC16C73B

This JDM supports all these PICs, no adapter is needed.

How to use the JDM

1, Power supply

  This JDM PIC programmer takes power from the serial port of your computer, thus no external power supply is needed.

2, The supported PICs are listed above.

3, Programming interface 

    There are two ZIF socktes on board, the 18pin one is for PICs with 18 pins or less, while the 40pin one is for PICs ranging from 28 pins to 40 pins.

4, Jumper setting

   The jumper is at the default position (2,3 pins are jumpered) when the JDM PIC programmer is shipped. You need to move the jumper to 1,2 positions when you want to program PIC16F872. Make sure you move the jumper back to its default position after you are done with PIC16F872.

5, How to use the onboard ZIF sockets

   PICs with 18 pins or less use the 18pin ZIF, PICs with 28 pins to 40 pins use the the 40pin ZIF. Make sure the pin1 of the PICs are aligned up with pin1 of the ZIF sockets (pin1 of the ZIF sockets is the pin near the handels). You can also check with the software IC-Prog for the proper PIC orientation.

6, Softwares

    This JDM PIC programmer is compatible with softwares supporting JDM hardware, such as IC-PROG, PonyProg2000 and Winpic800, etc. We recommend using IC-Prog due to its speed and burning reliability.

7, How to correctly use IC-PROG under WIN2K/WINXP

   First uncompress the and copy the driver file icprog.sys into the folder containing icprog.exe. Launch IC-Prog and click Options under Settings. Click Misc and select Enable, then click OK. You are set.

How to use IC-PROG

  First time when you use IC-Prog, you need to hit F3 first, the following dialog box shows up. Select JDM Programmer, and select correct ports COM 1 or COM 2 depending on which port your JDM is connected.


  Select the chip ID, as shown in the following:


Load the hex file you want to burn, as shown here:

Click "Program all" to start programming your PICs.

KEE Electronics, Ltd.